Michał Mazur


functions performed in the faculty structures:

Michał Mazur received his M.A. from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. In his professional and artistic work, he focuses on the creation and study of paintings. Here, the practice of painting (classical media) is helpful when gaining experience in multimedia production. Mazur is involved in film production, direction (documentary, art and educational films), photography, editing and postproduction of picture film, animation and 2D/3D graphic projections. He completed his doctoral studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (Department of New Media). He curates the Studio Gallery in Peruń in Warsaw and is the owner of the Specjalna Produkcja Filmowa company (SPF). ACHIEVEMENTS: “In the Kingdom of the Great Catfish” (2016) — collaboration on an animated film for a 360˚ 3D cinema screen for the Natura Multimedia Centre in Ostrołęka (Drabina Rozwoju Foundation); “So far, so near” (2015) — documentary film, production coordinator; “Around Poland in 526 days” (2011) — a project for the Museum of Polish History; “War separations” — projection and production of film materials (documentary and feature films), provision of video-installation solutions at the Warsaw University Library for the Museum of Polish History (2009); “It began in Poland” (2009) — production of a spatial video-installation project in front of Metro Centrum in Warsaw for the National Centre of Graphic Art, and design and film production of film materials for the installation; IBIS — No-boundary Interdisciplinary Interactive School projects and creating 3D graphic art for educational games for the Drabina Rozwoju (Development Ladder) Foundation (2014); picture postproduction for the Tchaikovsky opera “Jolanta”, directed by Mariusz Treliński (2010); “NATO vs Układ” for the Museum of Aviation in Krakow (2009). Graphic designs for exhibitions.
